
One Man's Views of Nature

Icebergs Antarctica 2016
Sparkling Ice Floe I.jpg

Ice floe, Sparkling I

Iceberg Columns.jpg

Iceberg Columns

Iceberg Mound and Paulet.jpg

Iceberg Mound and Paulet Island

Iceberg Mound.jpg

Iceberg, Mound

Iceberg Paulet II.jpg

Iceberg & Paulet Island I

Table Iceberg.jpg

Table Iceberg

Iceberg Solo II.jpg

Iceberg, Solo I

Iceberg Solo.jpg

Iceberg, Solo II

Tabular Iceberg and Floes.jpg

Tabular Iceberg and Floes

Iceberg Paulet.jpg

Iceberg and Paulet Island II

Edge of the Berg.jpg

Edge of the Berg

I collect no data. I would not know what to do with it if I did. This is a vanity website to show off. I do count the number of visitors and visits to see if anyone is looking.