Bird Gallery
Birds are a passion of mine. I photograph everyone I see but enjoy catching them in action, particularly in flight. The Gallery has some of my favorites but the photo album is a grand listing of birds adequately imaged.
King Penguin Preening.jpg

King Penguin Preening

King Penguin Color I.jpg

King Penguin South Georgia

Green Heron Puffed Up.jpg

Green Heron

Brown Pelican Stare.jpeg

Brown Pelican Stare

Swallow Tailed Gull Eye I (2).jpg

Gull Eye (Swallow-tailed)

Great Frigatebird, Male.jpg

Great Frigatebird, male

Great Blue Heron Battle.jpg

Great Blue Heron Battle

Little Blue Heron Squabble.jpg

Little Blue Heron Squabble

Brown Pelican Turbulence I Mazatlan 2004.jpg

Brown Pelican Glide

Brown Pelican Turbulence II Mazatlan 2004.jpg

Brown Pelican WIng Vortices

Blue-footed Booby Bobbing.jpg

Blue-footed Booby

Cardinal Female I copy.jpg

Cardinal at Dusk (f)

I'iwi Song.jpg

I'iwi in Song

Waved Albatross.jpg

Waved Albatross Galápagos

Laysan Albatross Flight I.jpg

Laysan Albatross Kaui

Striated Heron Napo copy.jpg

Striated Heron, Añangu Lake Ecuador

I collect no data. I would not know what to do with it if I did. This is a vanity website to show off. I do count the number of visitors and visits to see if anyone is looking.